A Conversation with Regina Pinto de Oliveira - illustrator of One Moore Book’s new Afro-Brazilian Fe
We found Regina Pinto de Oliveira’s work online, while looking for an illustrator who’d be a good fit for Azul’s adventures. Regina is a...

A Conversation with Carlos de Oliveira - author of One Moore Book’s new Brazilian Feature
1. What are your thoughts on the lack of diverse books in children’s literature and the growing movement for the need for diverse books?...

Free the Slaves Organization Partnership
Last holiday season, we had a 1-for-1 promotion for Katia D. Ulysse’s book, “Fabiola Konn Konte”, a counting book about a young restavek...

402 Smiles - Thank You!
Earlier this month, I communicated with the We Care Foundation in Liberia about different ways One Moore Book could contribute to the...

Spotlight on M. J. Fievre, author
We were excited to see our books in the hands of Haitian schoolchildren this week, and so we thought to catch up with one of the writers...

A Few Words with Illustrator Jean Patrick Icart-Pierre
Today, we’re featuring a brief interview with Jean P. Icart-Pierre. This Haitian-born artist, educator and OMB illustrator has called...

Our Interview with Robtel Pailey, author of Gbagba
Check out this brief conversation we had with Robtel Pailey, journalist, scholar, and author of One Moore Book’s Gbagba, a book exploring...

Our conversation with Maureen Boyer, author of Where is Lola?
Maureen Boyer, author of our Haiti series title Where is Lola?, is a life long reader and storyteller. This young woman’s love for Haiti...

“If I were not a writer, I would not exist…” - Our chat with author Katia D. Ulysse
Today, we’re featuring a brief chat we had with Katia D. Ulysse, author of our Haiti series title, Fabiola Konn Konte (Fabiola Can Count)....

Cybille St. Aude, author of Elsie
Meet Cybille St. Aude, former chef, creative mind and author of our Haiti series title Elsie.We found her candor and sense of humor...